Sunday, January 4, 2009

Everyone in this world have family...
Father, mother and siblings...

Someone is born without parent...
Or lost their family later in life...

But someone...
Is born with a happy family...
Many siblings and parents to be with...

We should thanks to god because give us a family...
The happiness that can't be compare with anyone...
So take a good care of your family and love them...

Life can be cheerful or lonely...
And some that we don't even want
to think about

Lonely is an expression when we are alone...
With no one to accompany...
And no one to play with...

Lonely can make us stress and bored...
There is some time that we want to be alone...
But sometime we want someone to be with...

Like lover, family or even parents...
Lonely is a habit that we shouldn't always do it...
As I say, it can make us stress..
And stress is bad that can make mental problem...

So learn to be joy and always be with friend and family...
And tell them that we want to be accompany...


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Between love and friendship...
I would choose both of them because...
The two of it give some meaning to me...

One thing that is unpredictable...
Behind the sweetness of love..
Maybe a thousand of bitter would be...
Even the most loyal lover...
Can be so disappointed...

But love still can be the sweetest thing in our life...
Love with family, parents, pet and even lover...
If we lose it...
It may be can hurt our feeling the most...

is a bond that is born in the sincere heart...
An honest friendship is the dream of anyone...
Sad, angry, happy or joy...
We share with them together...

Friend can always be the place to release tension...
And also be the place to think about the future...
If there is a scissor in this bond...
It will be destroy...


Martial art is an art that we use to protect ourselves and other people...

There are many martial art in this world such as...
Silat, Kung Fu, Wushu, Muay Thai and many more....

Some people have master it when they are only 5 years old...
And some master it later on life...

But nowadays...
People use it for bad things...
Bullying people, attacking people and many more...

They didn't know the true meaning of martial art...
They have use it for other reasons...
They should use it to protect other people, not bullying them...

One more thing...
If we want to master it perfectly...
We must everyday train our skill...
And make ourselves better...


Friday, January 2, 2009

Pet is an animal that we own...
There are many type of pet such as...
Cat, dog, tortoise and even monkey...

Pet is a special friend...
They need some love from us...
And even some care from us...

When we lonely...
Pet can company us...
Can make us happy and feel joy...


Just ignore them...
Let them hungry...
And thirsty...

They also want some care and love....
Just like human...
Even a bit love would be perfect...

If you want to have a pet...
You must make sure that you can take care of yourselves first...
Then you can have a pet...


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Life is like a roads we travel...
Some are smooth...
Some are rough...
And some that i did rather forget...

But there is one roads that I won't regret...
The road where we met and become friend...

One more...

Life is like a road that we travel on...
Sometimes is we lose and sometime we win...
We must stand up and don't give up...

Life is like a long highway....
Many hard things that we will face...
And even more worse than that...

So be patient and just go through that things...
Someday, a light that bring joyfulness will come...
And we will be happy by the day the light come...


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When can this war end?
Thinking make me such a headache...
Can't we be peace and harmony...

Don't they feel sad for the people who had lost someone,
Parents lost their child and baby,
Children lost their parents,
Shouldn't they be ashamed of their act...

What if they got attack,
They will feel mad and sad,
Same as the people who had been attacked...

What if their mom and dad been killed....
What if their children been killed...
They feel sad also...

What do they want actually...
Money?Wealth?Fame? or Land...
They had all of it...

So think about that and do something....
There are secret behind the 5 solat....
Subuh, Zuhur, Asar, Maghrib and Isyak...
That is....

Ali bin Abi Talib r.a. berkata,
"Sewaktu Rasullullah saw duduk bersama para sahabat Muhajirin dan Ansar, maka dengan tiba-tiba datanglah satu rombongan orang-orang Yahudi lalu berkata,
'Ya Muhammad, kami hendak bertanya kepada kamu kalimat-kalimat yang telah diberikan oleh Allah kepada Nabi Musa a.s. yang tidak diberikan kecuali kepada para Nabi utusan Allah atau malaikat muqarrab.'

Lalu Rasullullah saw bersabda,
'Silakan bertanya.'
Berkata orang Yahudi,
'Sila terangkan kepada kami tentang 5 waktu yang diwajibkan oleh Allah ke atas umatmu.'

Sabda Rasullullah saw,
'Sembahyang Zuhur jika tergelincir matahari, maka bertasbihlah segala sesuatu kepada Tuhannya. Sembahyang Asar itu ialah saat ketika Nabi Adam a.s. memakan buah khuldi. Sembahyang Maghrib itu adalah saat Allah menerima taubat Nabi Adam a.s. Maka setiap mukmin yang bersembahyang Maghrib dengan ikhlas dan kemudian dia berdoa meminta sesuatu pada Allah maka pasti Allah akan mengkabulkan permintaannya. Sembahyang Isyak itu ialah sembahyang yang dikerjakan oleh para Rasul sebelumku. Sembahyang Subuh adalah sebelum terbit matahari. Ini kerana apabila matahari terbit, terbitnya di antara dua tanduk syaitan.

Setelah orang Yahudi mendengar penjelasan dari Rasullullah saw, lalu mereka berkata,
'Memang benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Katakanlah kepada kami apakah pahala yang akan didapati oleh orang yang sembahyang.'

Rasullullah saw bersabda,
'Jagalah waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama sembahyang yang pertengahan. Sembahyang Zuhur, pada saat itu nyalanya neraka Jahanam. Orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang pada ketika itu akan diharamkan ke atasnya wap api neraka Jahanam pada hari Kiamat.'

Sabda Rasullullah saw lagi,
'Manakala sembahyang Asar, adalah saat di mana Nabi Adam a.s. memakan buah khuldi. Orang-orang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang Asar akan diampunkan dosanya seperti bayi yang baru lahir.'
Selepas itu Rasullullah saw membaca ayat yang bermaksud,
'Jagalah waktu-waktu sembahyang terutama sekali sembahyang yang pertengahan. Sembahyang Maghrib itu adalah saat di mana taubat Nabi Adam a.s. diterima. Seorang mukmin yang ikhlas mengerjakan sembahyang Maghrib kemudian meminta sesuatu daripada Allah, maka Allah akan perkenankan.'

Sabda Rasullullah saw,
'Sembahyang Isyak (atamah). Katakan kubur itu adalah sangat gelap dan begitu juga pada hari Kiamat, maka seorang mukmin yang berjalan dalam malam yang gelap untuk pergi menunaikan sembahyang Isyak berjamaah, Allah SWT haramkan dirinya daripada terkena nyala api neraka dan diberikan kepadanya cahaya untuk menyeberangi Titian Sirath.'

Sabda Rasullullah saw seterusnya,
'Sembahyang Subuh pula, seseorang mukmin yang mengerjakan sembahyang Subuh selama 40 hari secara berjamaah, diberikan kepadanya oleh Allah SWT dua kebebasan iaitu:

1. Dibebaskan daripada api neraka.
2. Dibebaskan dari nifaq.

Setelah orang Yahudi mendengar penjelasan daripada Rasullullah saw, maka mereka berkata,
'Memang benarlah apa yang kamu katakan itu wahai Muhammad (saw). Kini katakan pula kepada kami semua, kenapakah Allah SWT
mewajibkan puasa 30 hari ke atas umatmu?'

Sabda Rasullullah saw,
'Ketika Nabi Adam memakan buah pohon khuldi yang dilarang, lalu makanan itu tersangkut dalam perut Nabi Adam a.s. selama 30 hari. Kemudian Allah SWT mewajibkan ke atas keturunan Adam a.s. berlapar selama 30 hari. Sementara diizin makan di waktu malam itu adalah sebagai kurnia Allah SWT kepada makhluk-Nya.'

Kata orang Yahudi lagi,
'Wahai Muhammad, memang benarlah apa yang kamu katakan itu. Kini terangkan kepada kami mengenai ganjaran pahala yang diperolehi daripada berpuasa itu.'

Sabda Rasullullah saw,
'Seorang hamba yang berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadhan dengan ikhlas kepada Allah SWT, dia akan diberikan oleh Allah SWT 7

1.Akan dicairkan daging haram yang tumbuh dari badannya (daging yang tumbuh daripada makanan yang haram).
2. Rahmat Allah sentiasa dekat dengannya.

3. Diberi oleh Allah sebaik-baik amal.

4. Dijauhkan daripada merasa lapar dan dahaga.

5. Diringankan baginya siksa kubur (siksa yang amat mengerikan).

6. Diberikan cahaya oleh Allah SWT pada hari Kiamat untuk menyeberang Titian Sirath.

7. Allah SWT akan memberinya kemudian di syurga.'

Kata orang Yahudi,
'Benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Katakan kepada kami kelebihanmu di antara semua para nabi.'

Sabda Rasullullah saw,
'Seorang nabi menggunakan doa mustajabnya untuk membinasakan umatnya, tetapi saya tetap menyimpankan doa saya (untuk saya gunakan memberi syafaat kepada umat saya di hari kiamat).'

Kata orang Yahudi,
'Benar apa yang kamu katakan itu Muhammad. Kini kami mengakui dengan ucapan Asyhadu Alla illaha illallah, wa annaka Rasulullah (kami percaya bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan engkau utusan Allah).'
Sedikit peringatan untuk kita semua:
"Dan sesungguhnya akan Kami berikan cubaan kepadamu, dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta, jiwa dan buah-buahan. Dan berilah berita gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar."
(Surah Al-Baqarah: ayat 155)

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya."
(Surah Al-Baqarah: ayat 286)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Malaysia is a country that is famous for its various nation....

Malay, Indian, Chinese and many more...

There's one thing that have to be prevent to ensure the peace of all nation...

That is war...

We can't quarrel each other or it will be bad and the things that we don't want will happen...

That's why we must unite...

The bonding among us is important...

If not, there will be an endless war that maybe can cause death ...

Unite and make Malaysia a better country(for any country too)...


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I have become more worried of Muslim people nowadays...

They do not solat, puasa and even do the things that is forbidden by the Allah...

Like drug, smoking, gamble, steal, drink alcohol and many things that can't be write(so many)...

When we want to stop this forbidden things...

Until Allah send a tsunami, whirlwind, tornado, earthquake or worse...

Wake up people....

There are so many sign that show QIAMAT is near...

And we're just doing nothing and continue with the bad habit...

Stop dreaming and get up...

Get a grip of ourselves and go forth and leave the bad habit behind...

We still got some time to make ourselves better...


This world is a place where nature shows its beauty...

Waterfall, savanna, forest, desert and many more...

The beauty that is no limit that hard for me to say...

The beauty that can be the cure for stress and also a place to release our tension...


Many people who did not have a heart destroy the nature beauty by logging and cutting down trees...

Killing all the flora and fauna without mercy in their heart even a bit...

We are a part of this world and we must do something...

Enforce the law, stop buying products from animal skin, stop illegal hunting and logging, stop open burning and many more....

Please save our nature beauty so it will be nice and this world will be a better place to live...

We must hurry before we're late and all the nature beauty vanish and extinct from this world...

We don't want our next generation to suffer from heat of global warming and many more...

Don't be selfish and please think about other people...


Music is a sound that hardly anybody can destroy it's beauty...

A true music is a soft and relaxing sound made by instrument...

A hard and rough sound like metal song is not a true music for me and some people...

It's destroying the perfection of a true music...

Music can be categorize as a beautiful art because of it perfection and beauty...

So save and take care of the music perfection...

Never let it destroy or vanish from the art world...


Laugh is a self expression that can be a useful cure...

If someone who is in a desperate time, laugh can be the cure...

If someone who is in a sad mood, laugh always be the cure...

Laugh is a medicine that is not expensive like any medicine...

It is free and easy to make it...

Laugh also can make us look young and cheerful...

A happy laugh is an expression that nobody can steal it from you...


Football player without a skill is like a shell without a snail...EMPTY!!

To be a great football player....

Must always train your feet, practice your skill and share them with all the people...

Never be selfish and lazy to practice your feet and skill...

Because more practice, more perfect it will be...

So, don't just hanging around like a lazy monkey...

Take your shoes and go out now to practice....(If now is already evening....
If night don't do...)

That's my advise for all of you!!~

We can't know our future until the time has come...

We can't know our fate until the time has come...

Fate and future are the things that we can't predict...

Even with the most powerful technology created...

Because these things are the God's task...

God will make the fate of us good or bad...
God will create the future of us nice or unpleasant...
We must always pray to God so that our fate and future will be the things we want to be....

That's why we must always do good things and prevent bad things to ensure our fate and future...


Islam is a perfect religion...
That no other religion can copy it's perfection...
Eventhough many people that is not Muslim...
Teasing Islam, make joke of Islam...
But Islam still strong...

We must wake up from our dream...
Get hold of ourselves and go forth...
Make Islam a better religion and unite...

Don't forget that Islam once rule two third of world...
And we must repeat that glory time...
We're not to boost off...



Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Very Funny!!~
Learn English Here!!~

Watch this superb football video...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sometime I feel sad and lonely...
Drowning in a gloomy ocean...
With no one to accompany...

Sometime I feel angry and full of hate...
To someone who cheated on me...
With only some love i can rest myself...

Sometime I feel happy and enjoy...
Full of laugh and joy...
That make me calm in mind...

Sometime I feel miserable and kinky...
There are many thing in my mind...
Like want to sleep forever...


I never thought that it is already end of year...

After t
his, I can't see my friend anymore...

My teacher, my classmate and my girl...

time move very fast as a lighting...

After this, my life must be lonely...

No friend to hang out...

To chat and to talk...

And teacher to joke around and learn new thing...


My family is there by my side...

Now I'm not lonely anymore...

I can joke around, chat,talk and learn with my family...


We had honor in ourselves...
An honor that can be easily broken...
But hard to make it perfect...

For me honor is important...
And I think for everyone too...
Because many people had broke it...
For something waste..!!~